Coaches Corner | Dribbling And Running With The Ball

Working in a 25 x 25 square with 8 x 8 square in the middle. 11 players working in groups of 3 with 2 defenders in the middle score. Each group of 3 has their own ball. 2 players start on the outside of the big square and the 3rd player between the two squares. In each group player 1 passes to player 2 then runs inside the square, player 2 must try dribble/RWB through the middle score then pass to player 3 then exits the square. Player 3 then passes to player 1 then runs inside the square. Player 1 must try dribble/RWB through the middle square then passes to player 2. Defenders try to win the ball and have to try dribble or pass out of the small square into the bigger square. The sequence: pass in and go in to receive, receive and dribble or run, pass out and go out of the square.
To develop the players ability to dribble/rwb while recognizing where there is space to exploit and allowing players freedom to express themselves through creative and imaginative ways to get past the defenders.
Adjusting the size of the areas depending on the ability of the players
Allow the defenders a chance to change
Allow players freedom to express themselves if they can come up with different solutions/ movement patterns
Teaching players to recognize space, time and position of defenders
Body position to receive
Change in speed and direction
Awareness of what other players are doing in the square
Creativity, disguise and innervation from the players