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Coaches Corner | Dibble, Run or Pass


Working in a 40 x 40 square with 3 x 2 yard target areas inside the square.17 players organized into 2 teams of 7 players, 2 target players and 1 GK. Gk is allowed to move anywhere on the outside of the score. Game starts with the GK passing to one of the teams and the 2 teams play against each other trying to keep possession using the target players and the GK. Teams score by passing to a target player standing in one of the areas. Target players can move to any of the open target areas to help the team in possession.


To develop the players ability to Dribble, Run or Pass and to play with their heads up to see where the target players are


One touch into target areas to scores

One touch into GK to maintain possession

Reduce side of the area and/or add a goal set back from the playing area, so that once players have built up a goal can can attack the GK in 1 v 1 situation


Decision making - dribble, run or pass

look for space - head up

Identify target players moving into open target areas

inventive and quick play

change of pace and direction

attacking principles - maintaining possession

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